Sunday, February 26, 2006

if i had to speak it would be in song-
something that rhymes to get me along-
to bring me out but disguise in code-
what i feel - like a metaphorical ode

thus - i see brewing something
like change - hopefully fulltime
meaningful hours instead of only
my time being full of hours -

i don't know what it looks
like - i only pray that i see it -
when the moment comes i can
get back to not only meaningful
hours but moments -

if i had to speak it would be in song-
something that rhymes to get me along-
well this did not rhyme after the first stanza -
neither metaphorical it was really no code
at all.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Found somewhere by bored readings

Micro worlds we hold
deeply stuffed for our
hour of need

are fine for you,
but ah when they
prey on hearts

weak on time it
surely robs them
blind of joy.

So, a little help with
this world out of
the cove it was
hidden in to
errupt into

- Missons by Selionen Fugers