Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Jesus wuz here:

Here's a quick video from Mars Hill Church's trip to Israel where Mark is telling a bit about Peter's home. It would be pretty awesome to experience, in person, a place were Jesus actually walked while he was still with us on Earth. For now, this will have to do.

Peters House in Capernaum from Mars Hill Church on Vimeo.


Maria said...

Oh!!! I want to go! Lets make Israel a priority when the kids are biggger! I'd love to take them with us :).

Joseph said...

i was lucky enough to go to Israel and i have been DYING to go back every don't take it all in the first time. you don't understand until a month later and you are reading a passage about Nazareth and then you stop....and are like, "....i've been there. i know what that looks like." it's crazy!